Monday 24 October 2016

Magento 2

Magengto 2

While working with Magento 2, i come up with some questions. Basically i tried to compare Magento 1. X with Mgento 2.
I think below question might be helpfull to understand Magento folder structure.

Question : What is Bin Folder?

Answer :

- Consist of  CLI programe file
- Consist .htaccess

Question : Where core files stored in Magento 2?

Ans : Can be find at,


Question : Where skin, error, js and media file store in Magento 2?
Ans : In Pub folder.

Question : What is Dev Folder?

Answer :

- It Consist Shell folder.

Question : Which folders removed in Magento 2?

Answer :Below are the folders removed in Magento 2,

- downloader
- includes
- Phpinfo

Question :  Where we can find Database connection settings?

Answer: We can find Database connection settings env.php. Below is the location,

'db' =>
  array (
             'table_prefix' => '',
              'connection' =>
       array (
                 'default' =>  
                             array (
                                      'host' => 'localhost',
                                     'dbname' => '',
                                      'username' => '',
                                      'password' => '',
                                      'active' => '',
